Are you tired, weak, lack of energy, brain fog or low on motivation? Do you have enough energy during the day, at a sporting event, during your workout or do you get burned out early?
Many people will have some or all of these symptoms and think it is just a normal process of aging.
Many things that can contribute to these symptoms are poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, lack of sleep, stress, vitamin/mineral deficiency, toxic environment, dehydration, smoking, alcohol or drug abuse or a disease of some type. Do you want more strength, energy, power, speed, mental focus and endurance? It is definitely possible to change the way you feel if you have the desire.

Lifestyle changes can have a positive impact on many of the causes of poor energy levels.
Energy production starts in the mitochondria or the “powerhouse of the cells”. The mitochondria take energy from the food we consume and turn it into cellular energy called ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
Sugar/ glucose is necessary along with oxygen to form ATP. Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria when the sugar/ glucose molecules are broken apart to form ATP molecules. This is a complicated process consisting of 3 stages: glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron transport cycle. This process produces approximately 38 molecules of ATP from 1 molecule of glucose. ATP is the “energy currency of the cells”. ATP is essential for life and without it we would die. A diet consisting of the correct ratios of protein, carbohydrates and fats is the ideal diet for keeping ATP levels high.
People that don’t have much body fat and/or do intermittent fasting must be very careful on a low to no carbohydrate diet since sugar/ glucose is a necessity for production of ATP. If there is no fat on the body and no dietary source of sugar/ glucose, then the body will go into glucogenesis and start to break down protein and then muscle to produce glucose to run the body. This is not good.
Do you want to thrive or just survive? A low carb diet can often times cause glycogen depletion, low blood sugar, fatigue, low energy sluggishness mental dullness and brain fog. Carbohydrates are good especially if you are into intense training and trying to build muscle and strength. People on a ketogenic diet need to have certain days they consume carbohydrates. Certain diseases like Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia may disrupt ATP production.
Intense exercise can cause a depletion in ATP because the body can’t produce enough to keep up with the utilization of the ATP. High intensity training can also result in glycogen depletion that can negatively impact the glycolysis cycle in the production of ATP.
We must consume a good diet first and foremost if we want to thrive. Diets like the Mediterranean Diet, Paleo Diet and The Lange Survival Diet are excellent for enhancing energy at a cellular level. There are a few nutrients that most of us do not get in our daily diet that are proving to help build ATP levels, support mitochondrial health and help with glycogen replenishment. These 4 nutrients are creatine, D-ribose, Astaxanthin and highly branched cyclic dextrin.

Creatine monohydrate ingestion enhances ATP resynthesis during exercise. Studies indicate that the addition of creatine (3-5 grams) will increase energy in the muscle cells during exercise. Creatine Monohydrate is one of the best known and most studied supplements for enhancing athletic performance. Creatine increases explosive power, energy, strength and muscle size. Creatine also aids in rapid muscle recovery. Studies also indicate creatine can help to protect the brain from traumatic brain injuries and concussions. Neuro degenerative diseases are also being studied for the positive benefits creatine may offer. Creatine should be one of the nutrients used in a pre and post recovery drink for athletes of any age. Creatine may also be of great benefit for the aging population to help fight against sarcopenia and dementia.
Astaxanthin the most potent carotenoid is one of the hottest nutrients in the industry right now due to is amazing health promoting properties. It is one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. Astaxanthin protects the membranes of the mitochondria from oxidative stress and damage. Studies indicate astaxanthin may protect the mitochondria from being overloaded from intense training or other types of physical stress. Recent studies on sarcopenia are proving that astaxanthin may help to prevent ATP dysfunction that can lead to muscle atrophy. Astaxanthin can be considered a new nutritional support for the muscles and mitochondria. Sports nutrition studies indicate astaxanthin at levels from 4-10mg can enhance visual performance, muscle recovery and endurance. The latest studies indicate astaxanthin is a powerhouse for brain and cognitive health. Astaxanthin supports memory and learning while reducing inflammatory markers in the brain.
D-ribose is a naturally occurring sugar found in every living organism. It is an essential component of ATP. Supplementing with 5-10grams of D-ribose enhances the production of ATP and may reduce the problems associated with low levels. Intense training may be a cause of ATP depletion and research suggest that D-ribose supplementation is a good way to aid in recovery and exercise performance. Studies also indicate D-ribose supports heart and mental health. The latest science states D-ribose may benefit people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Highly branched cyclic dextrin (Cluster Dextrin) is the most advanced performance carbohydrate used to provide a constant energy source before during and after exercise. This new generation carbohydrate replenishes muscle glycogen quickly and has very rapid gastric emptying so easy on the stomach. This carbohydrate gives both explosive energy and prolonged energy. Studies indicate Cluster Dextrin increases peak performance and reduces rate of perceived exertion after any type of physical activity.
The team of doctors at Fortifeye Vitamins work closely with athletes of all types and ages. They also work with the geriatric population on daily basis. This team headed by Dr Michael Lange wanted to create a supplement that could be used by athletes and non-athletes of all ages to support energy, strength, muscle synthesis, endurance and brain health. Fortifeye Fit was launched in 2018 and revised two times since. Fortifeye Fit has the D-ribose, Creatine, Astaxanthin and Cluster Dextrin in studied ratios to bring evidence based nutritional support to the mitochondria to aid in clean prolonged energy production. 1000s of people with amazing testimonials at all ages have benefitted from the Fortifeye Fit. Many world champion and professional athletes are using Fortifeye Fit as well as weekend golfers and at home moms. They are improving their quality of life through the latest in evidence-based nutrition. This delicious, powdered supplement also contains clinically studied amounts of collagen, l-citraline, betaine anyhydrous, Velositol and branch chain amino acids making it ideal for both pre and post workout supplementation.
If you are not physically where you want to be then give Fortifeye Fit a try. For the fastest and maximum gains use Fortifeye Fit 20-30 minutes before exercise and right after. Many get great results using just once a day. to learn more and order Fortifeye Fit click here: fortifeye-fit-dr/
Isn’t it time you joined the FIt Revolution?