Science Based Health Benefits of Omega-3, rTG Omega-3 May be the Fuel you Need.

Omega 3 seems to be a nutritional buzz word right now.  There seems to be adds promoting the health benefits of omega 3 everywhere.  However, all omega 3 is not created equal.  When purchasing an omega 3 supplement you must know where it comes from, what form it is in and what the potency is.  Dr […]

Omega 3 for Glaucoma

Glaucoma is the “sneak thief of your sight”  since it usually has no symptoms of pain or blurred vision until it is too late.  Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness world wide.  Currently the means of treating glaucoma is by lowering the intraocular pressure to an acceptable level to reduce optic  nerve damage […]

Top 5 Sources Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

You have heard the old sayings “you are what you eat” and “food is medicine”. These sayings are quite true since epidemiological studies have proven that populations that consume the most omega 3 in their diets are healthier and have less heart disease. The cultures that consume the highest amount of cold water fatty fish […]


Health Benefits Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 is a huge buzz word right now and rightfully so.  Omega 3 essential fatty acids are one of the most studied nutrients proving the positive benefits of consuming high-quality omega 3 fatty acids. However, all omega 3 is not created equal. The lion shares of omega 3 is of very poor quality with […]



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